Perubahan Peran Rio dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Desa di Kabupaten Bungo Tahun 1979-2007
Change, Role, Rio adat, villageAbstract
Rio is the leader of a village whose governance system is based on the adat system. Rio is a title given to the leader of the hamlet/village, having absolute power in the hamlet both in terms of adat and governance. The hamlet community also often implies that Rio is the king of the hamlet who has absolute power in governance and adat. Since the enactment of Law No. 05/1979 and the changes in government, this has had an impact on village governments in Bungo district, Jambi province. The hamlet government that used to run by using the adat and syarak system as a reference in running social life does not use the adat and syarak system as a reference for government, moreover these changes also have an impact on the figure of Rio as a hamlet leader who used to lead the village government and as a customary head turned into a symbol of administrative village leadership and did not have any authority in village law and customary affairs and the term Rio changed to Village Head. This paper aims to describe Rio's role in village and customary governance from 1979-2007. This research was conducted using historical methods such as heuristics, source criticism, interpretation or interpretation to historiography. The results of this study explain how Rio's role in village governance changed in Bungo district, Jambi from 1979 to 2007 due to the emergence of Law No.05 of 1979. Rio no longer has power in the hamlet government, the rights and powers as the head of the hamlet were changed and revoked making Rio's role reduced and changed in the community, Rio only has a role in terms of customs in the community.