INFOSUMBAR: Studi Perkembangan Media Online Berbasis Citizen Journalism Di Sumatera Barat (2010 – 2023)
Infosumbar, Online News, Citizen JournalismAbstract
Citizen journalism is the involvement of citizens in reporting something. In simple terms, it can be understood as the practice of journalism carried out by non-professional journalists. This research discusses the process of the establishment of Infosumbar as a pioneer of online news in West Sumatra and explains its development as the first citizen journalism-based online news portal in West Sumatra from 2010 - 2023. The data collected are primary and secondary. The technique of collecting primary data by conducting direct interview sessions with the CEO and COO of Infosumbar. The method used in this research is the historical method, which consist of several stages including heuristic, source criticism, intrpretation adn historiography. From the results of the research that has been done, it can be explained that Infosumbar began to form on July 04, 2010 on twitter social media. The formation of Infosumbar was motivated by the founder's awareness that there was no media that made the movement of information quickly in West Sumatra. In the same year, the founder saw an opportunity to create a media that could build interaction for the people of West Sumatra. The increasing need for information made the community enthusiastic so that in the end, Infosumbar was formed as the first online news portal in West Sumatra based on Citizen Journalism. In 2011, the founder of Infosumbar invited Annisa Junaidi to join in managing the news portal. As time went by, Infosumbar's followers grew rapidly, which led to an increase in the number of members in Infosumbar.